Cisco Catalyst Switches - Set a Management IP and Allow Telnet and Web Management

KB ID 0000614 Dtd 07/06/12


If you want to manage your Cisco Catalyst switch it's not always practical to plug a console cable in to change its settings or monitor what it is doing. Putting an IP address on it and enabling remote management via Telnet or from your web browser is a better alternative, particularly if you have a lot of switches.


Enable Telnet Management on Cisco Catalyst Switch

1. Connect to the Switch using a terminal emulation program like HyperTerminal or Putty,
Terminal Settings Cisco Switch
2. Issue the following commands;
Catalyst Enable Telnet
{enter enable password if prompted}
conf t
line vty 0 15
password {password required}

Add a Management IP to a Cisco Catalyst Switch

3. Whilst still in configure terminal mode issue the following commands;
Catalyst Set Management IP
int vlan1
ip address {IP address required} {Subnet required}
no shutdown

Cisco Catalyst Set an Enable Password

4. If you telnet in you cant change any system settings without an enable password being set.
Catalyst Set Enable Password
enable password {Password required}

Optional : Set the Cisco Catalyst Switches Default Gateway

5. Just in case you need to manage the switch from another subnet, you will need to set a default gateway.
Catalyst Set Default Gateway
ip default-gateway {IP address required}

Enable Web Management on Cisco Catalyst Switch

6. To connect to and manage the switch from a web browser execute the following command, and then exit configure terminal mode.
Catalyst Enable Web Management
ip http server
7. Finally save the changes with a "write mem" command.
Catalyst Save Changes
write mem

Testing the Configuration

8. From a machine on the same network segment make sure you can ping the switch on its new IP address.
Catalyst Test Connectivity
9. Then make sure you can "telnet" into it.
Catalyst Telnet
10. Open a web browser and navigate the the switches IP > Select 'Web Console'.
Note: You will require Java for this to work.
Catalyst Web Console
11. After entering the enable password you should see the following.
Catalyst CMS
//" width="640">

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