ConfigMgr 2012 / SCCM 2012 SP1 Step by Step Guide Part 11: Operating System Deployment - Task Sequence

ConfigMgr 2012 / SCCM 2012 SP1 Step by Step Guide Part 11: Operating System Deployment - Task Sequence

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We previously captured our image from a reference computer and imported the wim file to Config Mgr.  Part 11 describes the process of creating the Operating System Deployment Task Sequence and deploying it to "Unknown Computers"

1. Create task sequence

Navigate to Software Library/Overview/Operating Systems

Right Click Task Sequences and select Create Task Sequence

Choose to install an existing image

Name the TS and choose boot image

Enter local administrator password

Enter domain and OU details

Choose Config Mgr client package

Now right click the TS and select Edit to configure some further options

Browse to Partition Disk 0 task

Double click to open each volume and make the required changes. Increase the default size of the boot partition and enter a variable name. We will use this to ensure that the correct image gets deployed to the correct volume

Remember we examined the properties of our captured image at the end of Part 2. Image 2-2 contains the operating system. We now apply 2-2 to OSPART

Apply 1-1 to BOOTPART

Recall Part 9 where we discussed drivers and driver packages. We now add driver packages for each computer model that we require.
(Add/Drivers/Apply Driver Package)

(Note that when I specifically use Driver Packages for the various models I then disable the "Auto" Apply Device Drivers step in the TS). 

Create WMI query so that the TS can determine which model is being built. We only want the correct driver package to be installed

Select * from Win32_ComputerSystem where Model like '%Optiplex 780%'

If you don't know the exact model name you can find it by using the following command at a command prompt:

wmic ComputerSystem Get Model

Test the query for syntax errors

Add/General/Run Command Line

Activate Windows 

cscript.exe C:\Windows\System32\slmgr.vbs /ato

Add/General/Run Command Line

Activate Office

cscript.exe c:\"Program Files"\"Microsoft Office"\Office14\ospp.vbs /act

2. Deploy Task Sequence to Unknown Computers

"Unknown Computers" in a notional concept in Config Mgr which allows you to deploy task sequences to new computers (a new computer is one whose MAC address is not yet recorded in Config Mgr database). 

If you wish to rebuild an existing computer you must first delete it from Config Mgr (make a "known computer" unknown).

Right click TS and choose Deploy

Choose All Unknown Computers

Make "Available" rather than required. Make sure you make available to PXE

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