Create customised reference image with MDT 2013 Lite Touch Build & Capture - 5 easy steps

Create customised reference image with MDT 2013 Lite Touch Build & Capture - 5 easy steps

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MDT 2013 Lite Touch Build & Capture is the preferred method of many administrators for creating customised reference images. I count myself in this number. ConfigMgr 2012 is great for client management and deployment but it is second best when it comes to creating images.

Mitch Tulloch explains this well in the following blogpost. Pay particular attention to the COPYPROFILE reference.

and Johan Arwidmark here

 You can create your customised reference image with MDT 2013 in 5 easy steps. Browse the links below for details of each step.

For completeness I have also included details on how to capture a thick image using MDT Sysprep & Capture. This is not the optimal solution but sometimes you have no choice depending on customer requirements. 

Step 1: Install and configure MDT 2013
Step 2: Add content to the deployment share

Step 3: Create Build & Capture task sequence and boot media 
Step 4: Build & Capture reference image 
Step 5: Advanced image customisation
Sysprep & Capture thick image  

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