Cisco Catalyst - Upgrading IOS (via USB)

KB ID 0001056 Dtd 22/04/15


Had a stack of 3560-X Switches to update today, and when I went looking for the notes I used last time, I could not find them. So This time I took the time to document the procedure.


Now I could load in the IOS image form TFTP like this, but last time I did this I used a spareUSB drive and the image 'tar' file, and found it a lot less hassle.
1. Make sure you have formatted your dive at FAT32, download you image file to it and put it in the switch.
usb update cisco
At console you should see something like this;
Apr 22 13:13:18.466: %USBFLASH-5-CHANGE: usbflash0 has been inserted!
2. Update the switch like so;
Petes-Switch#archive download-sw usbflash0:/c3560e-universalk9-tar.150-2.SE6.tar
examining image...
extracting info (110 bytes)
extracting c3560e-universalk9-mz.150-2.SE6/info (581 bytes)
extracting info (110 bytes)

System Type:             0x00000002
  Ios Image File Size:   0x0135B200
  Total Image File Size: 0x0187BA00
  Minimum Dram required: 0x08000000
  Image Suffix:          universalk9-150-2.SE6
  Image Directory:       c3560e-universalk9-mz.150-2.SE6
  Image Name:            c3560e-universalk9-mz.150-2.SE6.bin
  Image Feature:         IP|LAYER_3|PLUS|SSH|3DES|MIN_DRAM_MEG=128

Old image for switch 1: flash:/c3560e-universalk9-mz.122-55.SE8
  Old image will be deleted before download.

Deleting `flash:/c3560e-universalk9-mz.122-55.SE8' to create required space

————output removed for the sake of brevity————

extracting c3560e-universalk9-mz.150-2.SE6/dc_default_profiles.txt (66292 bytes)
extracting c3560e-universalk9-mz.150-2.SE6/c3560e-universalk9-mz.150-2.SE6.bin (20288000 bytes)
extracting info (110 bytes)

Installing (renaming): `flash:update/c3560e-universalk9-mz.150-2.SE6' ->
New software image installed in flash:/c3560e-universalk9-mz.150-2.SE6

All software images installed.
Proceed with reload? [confirm]

*Mar  1 00:09:14.243: %SYS-5-RELOAD: Reload requested by console. Reload reason: Reload command
3. At this point when the switch reloads, it will take a long time to boot as it performs a lot of updates and code rewrites when it restarts.

Upgrading The Catalyst Service Module

These switches have a 10Gb Service module in them that also needs updating, once the switch reboots you will have to wait a few minutes before the service module boots as well, if you don't wait then you will see this;
Petes-Switch#show switch service-modules 
Switch/Stack supports service module CPU version: 03.00.76
                          Temperature                     CPU
Petes-Switch#  H/W Status       (CPU/FPGA)      CPU Link      Version
 1             OK               48C/43C         notconnected  N/A 
You may also see an error like this (I've blogged this before).
Mar 30 01:29:55.128: POST: Macsec Uplink Loopback Tests : Passed Decryption Mode
Mar 30 01:29:57.594: POST: Macsec Uplink Loopback Tests : End
Mar 30 01:29:57.594: %PLATFORM-6-FRULINK_INSERTED: FRULink 10G SM module inserted.
Mar 30 01:32:13.188: %PLATFORM_SM10G-3-SW_VERSION_MISMATCH: The FRULink 10G Service Module
(C3KX-SM-10G) in switch 1 has a software version that is incompatible with the IOS software
 version. Please update the software. Module is in pass-thru mode.
Petes-Switch#show switch service-modules 
Switch/Stack supports service module CPU version: 03.00.76
                          Temperature                     CPU
Petes-Switch#  H/W Status       (CPU/FPGA)      CPU Link      Version
 1             OK               54C/54C         ver-mismatch  03.00.41 
Or it may simply look like this;
Mar 30 01:32:29.403: %PLATFORM_SM10G-6-LINK_UP: The FRULink 10G Service Module (C3KX-SM-10G)
communication has been established.
Petes-Switch#show switch service-modules 
Switch/Stack supports service module CPU version: 03.00.76
                          Temperature                     CPU
Petes-Switch#  H/W Status       (CPU/FPGA)      CPU Link      Version
 1             OK               50C/48C         connected     03.00.76 
To perform the upgrade, you will need a matching image for the service module.
Petes-Switch#archive download-sw usbflash0:/c3kx-sm10g-tar.150-2.SE6.tar
examining image...
extracting info (100 bytes)
extracting c3kx-sm10g-mz.150-2.SE6/info (499 bytes)
extracting info (100 bytes)

System Type:             0x00010002
  Ios Image File Size:   0x017BDA00
  Total Image File Size: 0x017BDA00
  Minimum Dram required: 0x08000000
  Image Suffix:          sm10g-150-2.SE6
  Image Directory:       c3kx-sm10g-mz.150-2.SE6
  Image Name:            c3kx-sm10g-mz.150-2.SE6.bin
  Image Feature:         IP|LAYER_3|MIN_DRAM_MEG=128
  FRU Module Version:    03.00.76

Updating FRU Module on switch 1...
Updating FRU FPGA image...

FPGA image update complete.

All software images installed.
Proceed with reload? [confirm]

Mar 30 01:47:19.459: %SYS-5-RELOAD: Reload requested by console. Reload Reason: Reload command.


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