Cisco AnyConnect - Securing with Microsoft Certificate Services

Part 1 (How to Configure Microsoft Certificate Services for AnyConnect)
KB ID 0001030 Dtd 04/02/15


I've done a lot of AnyConnect deployments, and I've even done them with certificates in the past. I've seen plenty of articles and blogs that say 'It would be better to use a PKIdeployment like Microsoft Certificate Services', but there's very little info out there on how to set it up.
I have a client that was going to deploy Microsoft Direct Access, but due to unforeseen circumstances has changed their requirements and wants to use AnyConnect instead, (with the following requirements).
  • The connection should be 'always on' for their remote clients.
  • It should use certificate based authentication that would use their existing PKIdeployment.
  • They should be able to control the remote clients from their corporate location (if required).
  • They should be able to roll out the software using Microsoft SCCM.
So I disappeared with an ESXi server, a spare firewall, and a large mug of coffee.


I am going to send out both user and computer certificates, and I'm going to get the machines to 'Autoenroll' for the certificates with group policy. (You could just use 'User' certificates, but that would be too easy).
1. Remember certificates are time specific, make sure your Windows domain is keeping good time, I've written about this before, but to cut a long story short carry out the following on your PDC emulator at an elevated command prompt.
w32tm /config / /syncfromflags:manual /reliable:yes /update
net stop "windows time"
net start "windows time"
w32tm /resync
AnyConnect and Certificate Services
2. I'm assuming you have certificate services setup and have certificates setup for computers and users, if not see Installing Microsoft Certificate Services. Ensure you have templates published and they are configured correctly, like so;
User Certificate Template
User Templates for AutoEnrollment
Computer Certificate Template
Computer Templates for AutoEnrollment
3. Publish the Certificates
Publish the Certificates
4. Set up a Group Policy for Certificate Auto-enrollment
Autoenrollment policy
5. For User certificate auto-enrollment go to:
User Configuration > Windows Settings > Security Settings > Public Key Policies > Certificate Services Client - Auto-Enrollment
User Autoenrollment
6. For Computer certificate auto-enrollment go to:
Computer Configuration > Windows Settings > Security Settings > Public Key Policies > Certificate Services Client - Auto-Enrollment
Computer Autoenrollment
7. Ensure your target machines have their certificates,(user and computer).
Computer Autoenrollment


I'm using NDES to put the certificates on my Cisco ASA, and I want to use that same certificate on the 'outside' interface of my ASA. Now I could just manually get a cert by creating a CSR and giving that to my certificate authority. Then use the 'Web Server' template and everything would be peachy. However I want NDES to do 'EVERYTHING' for me so I need to make a change to the certificate that NDES uses, (by default 'IPSEC (Offline request)'). I need to add in the 'Server Authentication' Key usage, or when I enable the cert on the outside interface I will get an error. To that end, I need to create a new certificate template, and then get NDES to use that template instead.
1. Open the Certification Authority management console > Right click Certificate Templates > Manage.
PKI Manage Certificates
2. Locate 'IPSEC (Offline request)' template and clone it.
PKI Duplicate Template
3. Give the cert a name (in the 'template name' section leave no spaces or special characters). Then copy the template name to notepad, (you'll find out why in a minute).
PKI Duplicate Template
4. Extensions Tab > Application Policies > Edit.
PKI Duplicate Template
5. Add > Locate and add 'Server Authentication' > OK > OK.
PKI Server Authentication Policy
6. If you had NDES set up correctly your NDES service account should have enroll rights to this template already, but check to be on the safe side.
NDES Certificate Security
7. Save and publish the new template.
PKI Publish Template
8. Remove the original IPSEC (Offline request) template.
PKI Delete Template
9. To get NDES to use the new template you need to edit three registry values. Open 'regedit' an navigate to;
HKLM > Software > Microsoft > Cryptography > MSCEP
Change the following keys to the new template name;
  • EncryptionTemplate
  • GeneralPurposeTemplate
  • SignatureTemplate
NDES Change Certificate Template
10. At this point you need to restart IIS, though in my case I just rebooted the server.
Reboot Server

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