Bypass firewall

 Bypass firewalls, application white lists, secure remote desktops in 20 seconds Zoltan Balazs DEF CON 22, 2014 root@kali:~# whoami Zoltán Balázs root@kali:~# whoami root@kali:~# whoami AV testing AV bypass root@kali:~# whoami OSCP: Occasional Satire Captain Punk CISSP: Certified Interspecie-ial Sheep Shearing Professional CPTS: Certified Pajama Toaster Specialist MCP: Microsoft Certified Psychopath OSWP: Official Sexiest Weasel Popstar CHFI: Chronic Hopeless Flux Incompetent I’m NOT a CEH CyberLympics@2012 CTF 2nd runners up – Creator of the Zombie Browser Toolkit Hungary I love hacking How do you hack high security systems? How do you hack high security systems when you are not Tom Cruise? The mission I’m a spy (with low budget) I want access to a hardened secure RDP (remote desktop) server E.g. server contains confidential documents I need persistent C&C access to the RDP server To upload/download files Interactive remote code execution The solution (in an ideal world) Infected workstation Secure remote desktop server 1. Infect client’s desktop 2. Steal RDP password 3. Connect to RDP 4. Drop malware 5. Command and Control 6. Profit The challenges RDP server is not reachable from the Internet Directly … Two factor authentication is used to access the RDP server No access to the token seeds ;) Drive mapping disabled – no direct file copy Restrictive hardware firewall Allows workstation -> server TCP port 3389 IPv4 only Application white list is used on the RDP server M$ Applocker in my case with default policy Firewall, port 3389 allowed only Is this realistic? Similar environment at a client •Had no time to hack it Infected workstation Secure remote desktop server Target Company The Internet Attacker Firewall, port 3389 allowed only “In hacking, there is no such thing as impossible. Only things that are more challenging.” Already achieved I have remote code execution with C&C on a user’s workstation I have access to a test RDP server I know how the files on the server look like, what services are installed This is Spartaaaa post-exploitation Why should you care about this? Red team/pentester • New tools Blue team • New things to look for during log analysis/incident response Policy maker/business • Funny pictures Divide et impera! Divide the problem into smaller pieces and rule them all, one by one 1. drop malware into the RDP server 2. execute any code on RDP server 3. elevate to admin privileges 4. bypass hardware firewall Divide et impera! Divide the problem into smaller pieces and rule them all, one by one 1. drop malware into the RDP server –> new shiny tool 2. execute any code on RDP server –> nothing new here 3. elevate to admin privileges –> nothing new, no 0day for you 4. bypass hardware firewall -> new shiny tool 1. Drop malware into RDP server 1. Drop malware into RDP server Malware waits for the user to connect to RDP server Creates screenshot (or new animation), show in foreground Optionally blocks user keyboard, mouse ~20 seconds Uses the keyboard and the clipboard – simulates user 1. Starts M$ Word on RDP server 2. Drops encoded ASCII payload 3. Creates Macro code 4. Macro writes binary 5. Macro starts binaries Alternative usage of “user simulator” 1. Add directory to be excluded from AV scans use the AV GUI! only if the user has the privileges and no UAC 2. Install new trusted root certification authority and accept warning – and MiTM SSL connections CA pinning does not stop this attack The AV is alive. Nope, Chuck Testa ™ 2. What is Applocker? 2. Execute any code, bypass Applocker „AppLocker can only control VBScript, JScript, .bat files, .cmd files and Windows PowerShell scripts. It does not control all interpreted code that runs within a host process, for example Perl scripts and macros. Applications could contain flags that are passed to functions that signal AppLocker to circumvent the rules and allow another .exe or .dll file to be loaded. The administrator on the local computer can modify the AppLocker policies defined in the local GPO.” Execute any code, bypass Applocker Load DLL with Word Macro! Even shellcode execution is possible! Private Declare PtrSafe Function LoadLibrary Lib "kernel32" Alias "LoadLibraryA" (ByVal lpLibFileName As String) As Long hLibrary = LoadLibrary(outputdir + "\hack_service.dll") 3. Elevate to admin 3. Elevate to admin Why do I need admin? • It is needed for the last phase, hardware firewall bypass Possibilities • Local priv esc zero day for Win 2012 • Exploit unpatched vulnerability • Exploit vulnerable 3rd party program service • Etc. Processes started with admin (or higher) privileges are not restricted by AppLocker! Elevate to admin - Service exploit C:\> accesschk.exe –l mvulnservice.exe [0] ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE_TYPE: NT AUTHORITY\TERMINAL SERVER USER FILE_APPEND_DATA FILE_EXECUTE FILE_READ_ATTRIBUTES FILE_READ_DATA FILE_READ_EA FILE_WRITE_ATTRIBUTES FILE_WRITE_DATA FILE_WRITE_EA SYNCHRONIZE READ_CONTROLs C:\> sc sdshow myvulnservice D:(A;;CCLCSWRPWPDTLOCRRC;;;SY) (A;;CCDCLCSWRPWPDTLOCRSDRCWDWO;;;BA)(A;;CCLCSWLOCRRCRPWP;;;IU)(A;;CCLCSWLOCRRC;;;SU) Elevate to admin - Service exploit C:\> accesschk.exe –l mvulnservice.exe [0] ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE_TYPE: NT AUTHORITY\TERMINAL SERVER USER FILE_APPEND_DATA FILE_EXECUTE FILE_READ_ATTRIBUTES FILE_READ_DATA FILE_READ_EA FILE_WRITE_ATTRIBUTES FILE_WRITE_DATA FILE_WRITE_EA SYNCHRONIZE READ_CONTROLs C:\> sc sdshow myvulnservice D:(A;;CCLCSWRPWPDTLOCRRC;;;SY) (A;;CCDCLCSWRPWPDTLOCRSDRCWDWO;;;BA)(A;;CCLCSWLOCRRCRPWP;;;IU)(A;;CCLCSWLOCRRC;;;SU) Allow Service start Service stop Interactively logged on user Quiz Quiz What’s the name of the company which published the first paper about packet filter firewalls in 1988? Quiz What’s the name of the company which published the first paper about packet filter firewalls in 1988? The company developed VAX Quiz What’s the name of the company which published the first paper about packet filter firewalls in 1988? Digital Equipment Corporation 4. Bypass hardware firewall Restrictive firewall • No Bind shell • No Reverse shell • No covert channel • DNS, ICMP, IPv6, UDP, proxy • No shell!!! In a different scenario • TCP socket reuse shell possible (not persistent) • Webshell (lame) possible • But not in this case (no exploit, no webserver) 4. Bypass hardware firewall First (bad) idea After malware dropped, mark every packet to be special • start with magic bytes and let a kernel network filter driver select the packets Problem • Every (hacker) application has to be rewritten, or rerouted through a custom wrapper proxy (both server and client side) Bypass HW firewall – second idea Use TCP source port! • E.g. port 1337 is always special Limitations • NAT from the attacker side • But who cares? - Bypassing hardware firewalls Linux Use code at Kernel level (with root) if ((tcp_source_port === 1337) && (tcp_dest_port === 22)) then: redirect to bind shell on port 31337 iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 22 -- sport 1337 -j REDIRECT --to-ports 31337 Attacker or infected workstation Firewall, port 3389 allowed only Secure remote desktop server Src port 1337 Dst port 3389 Dst port 3389 Dst port 31337 Bypassing hardware firewalls on Windows x64 Installing a kernel driver in Windows x64 is not trivial • Trusted signed driver is needed Thanks to basil for WinDivert project (and Nemea Software Development) • Trusted signed kernel driver already included! • You can interface with the kernel driver Alternatively, patchguard bypass could be used PatchGuard Uroburos rootkit – Bring Your Own Vuln Install root CA first with user simulator ;) How to set TCP source port for meterpreter bind shell (or any program)? Netcat (Nmap build) to da rescue! ncat -kl 4444 -c "ncat -p 1337 RDP.SER.VER.IP 3389" Demo Alternative usage of “hw fw bypass” You have admin on webserver but persistent outbound C&C is blocked Instead of local port forward, use netcat to port forward to other machines in the DMZ Backdoor traffic to hide your communication inside the legit network traffic The solution – as a whole Malware waits for the user to login to RDP with 2FA Create screenshot from user desktop Put screenshot on the screen Disable keyboard/mouse Drop malware by simulating user keyboard events + clipboard for large (ASCII) data transfer Start WORD, create new macro code Bypass application whitelist using DLL loading from Word macro code The solution Escalate privileges to admin (vulnerable service) Install hwfwbypass.exe with kernel driver Drop meterpreter Profit! Demo Demo 2 – as seen by the user Lessons learned for red team You have two new tools for your post exploitation • tool to drop malware into the remote desktop • If you have admin on a Windows server, you can bypass/fool hardware firewalls using my driver Lessons learned for the blue team Every additional layer of security can still be bypassed Restricted remote desktop is a real interface for malware infection Use application/protocol aware (NG) firewall instead of port based ones Can be bypassed ;) Don’t trust your firewall logs blindly Code release now? References - modified US-06-Tereshkin.pdf srp-and-applocker-by-design/ whitelist-bypass-using-ieexec-dot-exe applocker-by-loading-dlls-from.html?m=1 persistent-attack-techniques-part-2/ one more thing … two more things … User simulator available as Metasploit post module HW FW bypass available as Metasploit post module Hack The Planet! Twitter – @zh4ck Greetz to @hekkcamp

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