How to provide better security to your enterprise network

As a network security administrator, your job is to provide better security to the enterprise network. Listed below are some tips which are successfully implemented in many organizations to bring better security to the enterprise network.
Compartmentalization: The different network resourses and data in every network is of different importance and sensitivity. Enterprise network resourses and data of different sensitivity should be located in different security zones. Access to Enterprise network resourses and data stores should be provided through highly controlled communication mechanisms.
Defense in Depth: The idea behind Defense in Depth is that security is implemented everywhere possible in an enterprise network (layered protection). Network security devices are employed in different places of enterprise network. Security of network systems and consists of different technologies with different protection levels.
Rule of Least Privilege: Rule of least privilege states only minimal access is provided to the required network resources. Only minimal level of access required to complete a business tasks only must be assigned.

Adequate Protection: Aqurate current and relevent protection mechanisms must be installed in the network.

Information Hiding: Only the information that is required to complete a business task must be provided to the employees.
Separation of duties and job rotation: Separation of duties and job rotation helps in better implementation of enterprise security policies and reducing vulnerabilities.
Auditing: Auditing aims in keeping track of what is happening in network and find any security hole.

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