Allow Thunderbird 3 To Display Images Automatically

Allow Thunderbird 3 To Display Images Automatically

How to Automatically Show All Images In Thunderbird 3
1.   From in Thunderbird version 3, Click Tools and then SelectOptions…
access the thunderbird options menu

2.   Click the Advanced tab and then Click Config Editor…
access the thunderbird about:config menu

3.   You will be prompted with a warning about how dangerous it can be to modify your config.  Click the I’ll be careful, I promise! button.
be warned by thunderbird in the about:config menu

4.   From the about:config menu, Find themailnews.message_display.disable_remote_image entry.  The easiest way is to type it into the filter above.  Once found, Double-Click theEntry until it says Status = user set, and Value = false.  Once done you can exit and changes will happen immediately.
change mailnews.message_display.disable_remote_image to false to disable remote content pop-ups in thunderbird 3

Now whenever you access emails using Thunderbird you should not longer ever be prompted by the “Protect Your Privacy” image blocking caption.  If at some point you decide that you want the extra security you can always go back in and set the value to “true” in the about:config menu, everything will go back to default.

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